Abraham, 28 years old, from Yei, South Sudan

​"We were the last people left in our village. In the end we had to leave. We would fall into their hands or we would starve - either way we would die."
28 year old Abraham has just arrived at the Kerwa border, Northern Uganda, and is reunited with his three month old baby Florence. After bringing his wife and 4 children to safety in Uganda, Abraham went back to his village in Yei, South Sudan to collect clothes, a cooking stove and mattresses. But when he arrived, he found his elder brother laid on the ground, stone cold. He had been shot bringing in his cattle. Abraham says his "children were all hiding in the bush, so I took them and we came together to Uganda to join my other children and wife. I am now a dad of 8." Abraham walked with his 4 nieces and nephews for 4 days with a severed toe - cut off in a bad motorbike accident.
I found him here at the Kerwa border, cradling Florence, surrounded by his eight children and smoke from the maize his wife is cooking on the fire. "I don't know what the future holds for us in Uganda but I feel we're safe now."
Photo: Claire Nevill / Story: @Beyond Bidibidi